All about Oscar

3 minutes read

 “And the Oscar goes to…” Any prognostic for the 93rd Annual Academy Award? Symbol of Hollywood filmmaking achievement, what do you know about the statuette and the Academy? Let’s catch up about Oscar and reveal some secrets!

Who is Oscar?

Oscar is a 14-karat gold crusader knight standing on a film reel with five spokes. The latest represents the original branches of the Academy: actors, directors, writers, producers, and technicians.

Mark Seliger – Spike Lee, April 2019 [Annemberg Space for photography, Vanity Fair Hollywood is Calling, 2019]

Did you know?

The original Oscar was cast in bronze

MGM art director Cedric Gibbons and sculptor George Stanley created the trophy in 1928. Academy Award of Merit is the official name of the 8.5 pounds (3.85 kg) and 13.5 inches (34.3 cm) statuette. The nickname Oscar came a few years later when Academy librarian Margaret Herrick mentioned its resemblance with her uncle Oscar.

The Pantages Theater

Did you know?

The statuette was officially named Oscar in 1939

Since the ’80s, Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry manufactures the trophies. The production of 50 Oscars requires three months of work.

Wake of the Red Witch (1948) with star John Wayne on the deck of the boat, center – Credit: Arboretum archive

Did you know?

During World War II, Oscars were plastic made due to metal shortage.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Since 1929, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences honors excellence in filmmaking. This honorary society includes more than 8,000 filmmaking professionals spread over 13 branches.

Annually, the Academy allocates 24 competitive Oscars. Each of the academy members will submit five nominees within their field expertise. As an example, only directors can submit a nomination for best directors. The only exceptions are some categories like the International Feature Film and the Animated Feature Film.

[Annemberg Space for photography, Vanity Fair Hollywood is Calling, 2019]

Did you know?

The Animated Feature Film became a category in 2002
Sunset over the Hollywood Sign

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) tabulates the votes, and the nominees are announced in mid-January. Then, the Academy members will submit their final voting, PWC will count the ballots and seal the results.

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Did you know?

Only two PWC partners know and memorize the results for the live ceremony.
WRDSMTH street art

The Oscar Campaign

On the road to the Oscars, Studios leverage the quest for the award. Every year, they’re spending over $100 million to lobby their contenders. The Oscar campaign consists of hosting screening & events, advertising, media interview, and more. Ultimately, the Studios influence the voters by bringing awareness, playing favorites, and creating the “perfect” Oscar movie.

For instance, the Oscar campaign for the Star is Born (2018 version) is said to cost ~$20 million. The movie was nominated seven times and received one statuette for the original song.

Lady Gaga [Annemberg Space for photography, Vanity Fair Hollywood is Calling, 2019]

Did you know?

Studios hired Oscar consultants to lead their campaigns

Winning an Oscar brings recognition, legitimacy, and more money. According to Forbes, box office sales will increase by ~ $15 million for the Best Picture winner.

Oscar Live Night

On May 16th, 1929, celebrities gathered at the Roosevelt Hotel’s Blossom Room. The First Oscar ceremony lasted only 15 minutes as winners were announced three months before.

Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel

Did you know?

The Oscars were broadcasted in color in 1966

In the past, the TLC Chinese Theater and the Pantages hosted the prestigious ceremony. Since 2011, the 16,500-square-foot red carpet rolls over the Dolby Theater.

Preparation of the Oscars Ceremony at the Dolby Theater, Hollywood Boulevard, 2016

Did you know?

The ceremony costs $44 million, including $400 for each statuette.
Hollywood Boulevard

The Top Oscar Winners

Most Oscar nomination: 59 for Walt Disney (26 awards), and 52 for John Williams (5 awards).

Hollywood Bowl hosting John Williams

Did you know?

In 1938, Walt Disney received a full-size statuette and seven miniatures Oscar for “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

Most coveted Oscar for Best Film, Actor, Actress, Director, and Writing: It Happened One Night (1934), One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), and The Silence of the Lambs (1991).

Vanity Fair – 1996 Hollywood cover [Annemberg Space for photography, Vanity Fair Hollywood is Calling, 2019]

Did you know?

Child winners used to receive miniatures Oscars.

Most acting nomination: Meryl Streep. She was nominated 17 times for Best Actress and four as a supporting role. She received respectively two and one awards for these nominations.

Most acting Award: Katharine Hepburn with four actress awards (she was nominated 12 times within this category)

Vanity Fair – 2010 Hollywood cover [Annemberg Space for photography, Vanity Fair Hollywood is Calling, 2019]

Did you know?

The Korean movie Parasite (2019) was the 1st non-English language film to win Best Picture

Most film nomination: 14 nominations for All about Eve (1950), Titanic (1997), and La La Land (2016). They respectively received six, eleven, and six trophies. 

Hollywood Theater on Hollywood Boulevard

Ready to meet Oscar for the next ceremony?


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2 thoughts on “All about Oscar

  1. Merci Marie,
    J’en sais, enfin ! un peu plus sur cette statuette. Me voilà un peu moins lacunaire. maintenant, je vais aller m’instruire à propos des Cesar du festival de Cannes et la biennale de Venise. Je vais devenir une encyclopédie du cinéma internationale. Merci encore de m’y avoir aidé Marie.
    A bientôt.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Merci beaucoup Yan pour votre commentaire!

      Je partage votre curiosite: j’ai pris plaisir a explorer ce sujet pour approfondir et decouvrir des anecdotes interessantes autour de cette celebre statuette.
      Avez vous des pronostics pour cette 93e cermonie? Quelques films semblent favoris tels que Minari, Nomadland, et Sound of Metal. Verdict le 25 avril 2021!

      A bientot pour de nouvelles découvertes!



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